speed for maximum programming.
• Safety tab has been removed from cassette.
Snowy picture in playback • Snow or picture noise is normal during search, still, and
• Head cleaning may be required.
• Tape is worn or of inferior quality - adjust tracking controls.
Snowy picture in normal TV • Check antenna or cable connections.
Clock shows --:-- • Power has been interrupted - reset the clock.
• Reset the clock.
Erratic VCR display • Push the reset switch with a
sharp pointed instrument (pen, toothipick, etc.)
Regular periodic maintenance is required to maintain optimum VCR performance. Such
maintenance and adjustments should not be attempted by the user. Please consult your
service dealer for further information.
Auto Head Cleaning System
This system cleans the video heads automatically when a cassette is inserted and
ejected or the VCR is turned on or off while a cassette is in the VCR, to prevent dirt from
accumulating on the heads.
Note: Mechanical sound is hear during head cleaning.
NOTE: Dirt accumulation on the video heads will cause the playback picture to become noisy.
Heavy accumulations due to abnormal usage, or the use of poor quality tapes may be
beyond the capabilities of the Auto Head Cleaning System, and may require the video
heads to be professionally cleaned by a qualified service dealer.