Web Client Operation
Figure 6-4 The Web Login Window
After you logged in, you can see the main window. See Figure 6-7
This main window can be divided into the following sections.
Section 1: There are five function buttons: configuration, search, alarm,
about, and log out .
• Section 2: There are channel number buttons and four function buttons:
open all, start dialog, local play, and refresh.
• Section3: There are PTZ controls (see PTZ), color (see Color) buttons,
and you can also select the picture path and the record path.
• Section 4: Real-time monitor window. Please note current preview
window is circled by a green rectangle zone.
• Section 5: Here you can view window switch button. You can also select
video priority between fluency (smooth playback quality) or real-time
(low latency).
o System monitor window switch supports full screen/1-window/4-
window/25-window/36-window. See Figure 6-5.
Figure 6-5 The Window Switch Menu
o Preview window switch. System support 1/4/8/9/16-window real-
time preview. Please you need to have the proper rights to
implement preview operation. You cannot preview if you have no
right to preview the either channel. See Figure 6-6.