SCOM-100, User guide 44
5. User administration
Up to 20 SMS users can be declared in a user list for an
SCOM-100 unit. Only declared users can interact (send,
receive SMS) with the unit.
SCOM-100 features three user privileges reflecting
different user rights. For each user the following privilege
flag can be configured:
1. User administration. A user has the right for user
administration (Create, Delete, Set privileges) or not.
2. Device configuration. A user has the right to
configure the SCOM-100 device or not.
3. Alarm SMS recipient. A user can be an SMS alarm
recipient or not.
5.1 Create a new user
The device accepts the command only if it is issued by
users who have the administration privilege.
0500: Command ID
id: User ID (1-20)
n: User name (0-15 characters)
p: Phone number (3-15 characters)
c1: User administration privilege (0 for ‘No’
1 for ‘Yes’)
c2: Device configuration privilege (0 for
‘No’ 1 for ‘Yes’)
c3: Alarm SMS recipient (0 for ‘No’ 1 for