LG Electronics 47LB1DA Flat Panel Television User Manual

You should begin to receive listings again within 24 hours.
You can correct them using Change Channel Display under the Setup menu.
Listings usually appear within 24 hours after a successful Setup.
It may take up to a week to fill the Listings grid with the full 8 days of listings.
If you see a Listings grid with the message "No Listings" displayed you should
start to receive updated program listings within 24 hours.
If the message "No data for this screen" is displayed:
- Check the connections between the TV, cable, antenna.
- Verify Setup information under Change System Settings.
- If this message is still displayed after multiple days, please contact the
Brand Customer Support.
Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed as a reminder.
Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed as a Reminder.
Highlight the show under Listings and do the following:
- Press the Menu key on the remote.
- Use the down arrow to highlight Edit Reminder, and press
- Verify the Auto-Tune option reads Yes.
The TV must be On at the scheduled time for Auto-Tune.
Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed as a Reminder.
Highlight the show under Listings and do the following:
- Press the Menu key on the remote.
- Use the down arrow to highlight Edit Reminder, and press
- Verify the Power On TV option reads Yes.
My Guide listings disap-
peared after a power failure
I have not received any
Guide listings.
I set a show to Auto-Tune
and it did not.
I set a show with the Power
On TV option and it did not
A show I set to Remind
did not.
Some channel numbers
in the Guide are incorrect.
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