Reload the Pro:Idiom Key on a Selected Transcoder
This command reloads the Pro:Idiom encryption key on a single transcoder card. Note that a
password is required to initiate this command.
1. With the Transcoder Menu on display, click on the down arrow at the right of the Card
Select eld, and select the appropriate transcoder card from the drop-down list of options.
2. Click on the Reload button at the right of the Reload PI Key eld.
3. At the pop-up window prompt for the password required to execute the operation, type the
password and click OK.
When the reload is complete, the system will display conrmation, for example:
Card 1:
Reloading the key ...
Successfully reloaded PI key
Satellite STB Menu Commands
The following subsections describe how to access and use the Satellite STB Menu commands.
Access the Satellite STB Menu
1. Access the CodePlus Transcoder Series web GUI as described on page 17.
2. With the Homepage on display, click on the Satellite STB menu tab or link.
The Satellite STB Menu (see example on following page) enables you to view and modify
selected satellite STB configuration settings.
Set the STB Channel
1. With the Satellite STB Menu on display, click on the down arrow at the right of the Card
Select eld, and select the appropriate card from the drop-down list of options.
2. Type the desired three-digit channel number in the Set Channel eld, and then click on the
Set button at the right of the entry eld.
If the channel is set successfully, the satellite STB will change to the specied DIRECTV
channel and the system will display conrmation, for example:
Card 1: Channel changed to 209
Conguration Options via GUI (Cont.)