1-7-5 T2202EA
9. Focus Adjustment
Purpose: Set the optimum Focus.
Symptom of Misadjustment: If Focus Adjustment is
incorrect, blurred images are shown on the display.
Note: Focus VR --- FBT (Sub CBA),
FBT = Fly Back Transformer
1. Operate the unit more than 30 minutes.
2. Face the unit to the East and degauss the CRT
using a degaussing coil.
3. Input the monoscope pattern.
4. Adjust the Focus Control on the FBT to obtain a
clear picture.
10. H. Position Adjustment
Purpose: To obtain correct horizontal position of
screen image.
Symptom of Misadjustment: H. position may not be
properly displayed.
1. Enter the Service mode. (See page 1-7-1.)
Press [8] button on the remote control unit and
select H-P mode.
2. Input monoscope pattern.
3. Press [CH. o / p] buttons on the remote control
unit so that the left and right side of the
monoscope pattern are equal to each other.
11. V. Shift Adjustment
Purpose: To obtain correct vertical position of screen
Symptom of Misadjustment: If V. position is
incorrect, vertical position of image on the screen may
not be properly displayed.
1. Enter the Service mode. (See page 1-7-1.)
Press [9] button on the remote control unit and
select V-P mode. (Press [9] button then display will
change to V-P and V-S).
2. Input monoscope pattern.
3. Press [CH. o / p] buttons on the remote control
unit so that the top and bottom of the monoscope
pattern are equal to each other.
12. V. Size Adjustment
Purpose: To obtain correct vertical height of screen
Symptom of Misadjustment: If V. Size is incorrect,
vertical height of image on the screen may not be
properly displayed.
1. Enter the Service mode. (See page 1-7-1.)
Press [9] button on the remote control unit and
select V-S mode. (Press [9] button then display will
change to V-P and V-S).
2. Input monoscope pattern.
3. Press [CH. o / p] buttons on the remote control
unit so that the monoscope pattern is 90±5% of
display size and the circle is round.
Test Point Adj. Point Mode Input
--- Focus Control --- Monoscope
Tape M. EQ. Spec.
--- Pattern Generator See below
Test Point Adj. Point Mode Input
[CH. o / p]
--- Monoscope
Tape M. EQ. Spec.
--- Pattern Generator ---
Test Point Adj. Point Mode Input
[CH. o / p]
--- Monoscope
Tape M. EQ. Spec.
--- Pattern Generator ---
Test Point Adj. Point Mode Input
[CH. o / p]
--- Monoscope
Tape M. EQ. Spec.
--- Pattern Generator 90±5%