ence, allowing REF_P, REF_N, and COM_ to be driven
directly by a set of external reference sources.
Figure 13 uses a MAX6029 precision 3.000V bandgap
reference as a common reference for multiple convert-
ers. A seven-component resistive divider chain follows
the MAX6029 voltage reference. The 0.47µF capacitor
along this chain creates a 10Hz LP filter. Three
MAX4230 amplifiers buffer taps along this resistor
chain providing 2.413V, 1.647V, and 0.880V to the
MAX12527 REF_P, REF_N, and COM_ reference
inputs. The feedback around the MAX4230 op amps
provides additional 10Hz LP filtering. Reference volt-
ages 2.413V and 0.880V set the full-scale analog input
range for the converter to ±1.022V (±[V
- V
x 2/3).
Note that one single power supply for all active circuit
components removes any concern regarding power-
supply sequencing when powering up or down.
Grounding, Bypassing, and
Board Layout
The MAX12527 requires high-speed board layout
design techniques. Refer to the MAX12557 EV kit data
sheet for a board layout reference. Locate all bypass
capacitors as close to the device as possible, prefer-
ably on the same side as the ADC, using surface-
Dual, 65Msps, 12-Bit, IF/Baseband ADC
24 ______________________________________________________________________________________