Using the remote control to operate VCRs, cable
boxes and other equipment
about your remote control
This TV's remote control :has fi)ur "layers": the TV layer, the VCR-A
layer, the VCR-B layer, and the CABLE layer. Each layer can be
used to operate a different component in your A/V system. You
select the layer you want to use by setting the "select" switch across
the top of the remote control.
When you first receive your remote co:at:rol, the TV layer is set up
to operate your Mitsubishi TV, the VCRA and VCR-B layers are
programmed to operate Mitsubishi VCRs, and the CABLE layer is
set to operate a RCA DSS satellite receiver.
You can use the following buttons to operate your TV.
• power button
• pause button
• mute control
• super quick view button
• quick view button
• volume control
• input button
• channel control
• enter button
• audio and video ,controls
• menu button
• cancel button
• information button
• home button
• sleep timer button
• number buttons
• PIP controls
If you have a cable box (including the digital satellite box), a non-
Mitsubishi VCR, a Mitsubishi laserdi_sc player, an A/V receiver, or
a compact disc, you can set up the layers in the remote control to
operate these components.
The VCR-A layer can be set up to opera_e a non-Mitsubishi VCR;
the VCR-B layer can be set to operate a VCR, cable box, Mitsubishi
laserdisc player; the CABLE layer can be set up to operate a cable
box, laserdisc player, A/V receiver; and ;he TV layer can be set up
to operate an A/V receiver.
setting up the remote control to operate your VCR
Turn offyour VCR.
Set the select switch on the remote _o choose the layer you
want to set up: VCR-A or VCR-B.
While holding in the POWER butkon on the remote control,
enter the code number listed in the chart on the following page
for your brand of VCR. Be sure to enter both digits of the code
number. If more than one number is listed, try the first one.
Getting Started 39