Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71LP21GE Universal Remote User Manual

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5.1 Remote Master Station Parameter Setting
The remote master station sets the network parameters to the CPU module.
5.1.1 Setting the number of modules (Network type)
Set the network type and the station type for each module.
No. of mountable modules is the maximum number of mountable network modules
with CC-Link IE Controller Network.
Note, however, that there are restrictions on the number of network modules that can
be mounted, depending on the CPU module used. (Refer to Section 2.5.)
Select the remote master station for the MELSECNET/H network system.
(1) Selection type
Select the following item.
• MNET/H (Remote master): When the remote master station is
• MNET/H (Multiplexed remote master): When the multiplexed remote
master station is specified
• MNET/H (Multiplexed remote sub-master): When the multiplexed remote sub-
master station is specified
(2) Precautions
(a) If a QnA/A series MELSECNET/10 network module is erroneously
connected to a MELSECNET/H remote I/O network, the network system
will operate as follows.
If the remote master station is a MELSECNET/H network module,
MELSECNET/10 network modules on remote I/O stations will be
disconnected from the network.
If the remote master station is a MELSECNET/10 network module,
MELSECNET/H network modules on remote I/O stations will be
disconnected from the network.