Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71LP21GE Universal Remote User Manual

App - 39 App - 39
6: The extension names are listed below.
SDn SDn+1
Extension File type
Higher 8 bits Lower 8 bits Higher 8 bits
51H 50H 41H QPA Parameters
51H 50H 47H QPG • Sequence program
• SFC program
51H 43H 44H QCD Device comment
51H 44H 49H QDI Initial device value
51H 44H 52H QDR File register
51H 44H 53H QDS Simulation data (for the QnACPU)
51H 44H 4CH QDL Local device
(except the Basic model QCPU)
51H 54H 44H QTD Sampling trace data
(except the Basic model QCPU)
51H 54H 4CH QTL Status latch data (for the QnACPU)
51H 54H 50H QTP Program trace data (for the QnACPU)
51H 54H 52H QTR SFC trace file (for the QnACPU)
51H 46H 44H QFD Error history data
(except the Basic model QCPU and
Universal model QCPU)
51H 53H 54H QST SP.DEVST/S.DEVLD instruction file
(for the Universal model QCPU only)