Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71LP21GE Universal Remote User Manual

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(2) Precautions for error cancellation
(a) SB000F after error cancellation
Always turn OFF SB000F after canceling an error.
Even if a minor error (continue error) occurs on a remote I/O station while
SB000F is ON, the error will not be detected.
(b) Status after error cancellation
When the error is cancelled, the related special relay, special register and
LEDs return to the status before the error occurrence.
If the same error occurs again after error cancellation, it is registered to the
error history again.
(c) In the case of the multiplexed remote I/O network that supports redundant
After canceling the error in the control system CPU, cancel it in the standby
system CPU.
To cancel a standby CPU error, use SM1649 and SD1649 of the control
system CPU.
For detailed error cancellation of the CPU module, refer to the following manuals.
• User’s manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) of the CPU module
• QnPRHCPU User’s Manual (Redundant System)