Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71LP21GE Universal Remote User Manual

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(8) Checking parameter status
The reflection status and setting contents of parameters can be checked with link
special relay (SB) and link special register (SW).
(a) Checking parameter status of other stations
1) Check the following link special relay (SB) and link special register
(SW) with the remote master station.
When receiving parameters is completed, Parameter
communication status of each station (SB0078) is turned OFF.
Stations that are still communicating parameters can be checked
with Parameter communication status of each station (SW0078 to
2) Check the following link special relay (SB) and link special register
(SW) with the remote master station.
When parameters have an error, Parameter status of each station
(SB007C) is turned ON.
The station No. of the faulty station is stored in Parameter error
status of each station (SW007C to SW007F).
3) Details of the parameters for each station can be checked with the link
special relay (SB) and link special register (SW) of each station. (Refer
to (8)(b) in this Section.)
No. Description No. Description
Parameter communication status of each
SW0078 to
Parameter communication status of each
SB007C Parameter status of each station
SW007C to
Parameter error status of each station