Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71LP21S-25 Universal Remote User Manual

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No. Name LED status Description
7 ERR. ON (red) • Station number setting error (other than 0 to 64.), mode setting error (set to disabled), operating
condition setting error (in parameter), or mounted CPU type error (setting outside the range
used, incorrect CPU type)
• A station with the same number already exists in the network.
• Invalid parameter setting
• Moderate or serious error of the CPU module
Flashing • An error was detected while the network module was being tested.
• The setting of the mode setting switch or the station number setting switch was changed during
OFF Normal operation
8 L ERR. ON (red) Communication error (One of the following errors has been occurred.)
CRC : This error occurs due to a fault in the cable or noise.
OVER : This error occurs when the received data is erased before it is written to the internal
memory because the next data is received. The possible error cause is a hardware
failure at the receiver part of the network module.
AB.IF : This error occurs when the number of the bits indicating "1" in the received data
within a frame exceeds the limit or the received data length is shorter than that
defined in the specifications.
TIME : This error occurs when the baton pass is not handed to the host station within the
monitoring time.
DATA : This error occurs when the data with abnormal code is received.
UNDER : This error occurs when the internal processing of the send data was not executed at a
fixed interval.
LOOP : This error occurs when the forward loop or reverse loop line is faulty. The power of the
adjacent station in the direction to the host station is off or the hardware failure exists
on the send station.
<Corrective action>
Check the connector for disconnection, looseness, and IN/OUT misconnection; and the
cable for disconnection, crack, and routing. For details, refer to the network diagnostics
(Section 8.1).
OFF No communication error
9 EXT. PW ON (green) External power being supplied (Power supply status of host (SB0042) is on.)
OFF External power not supplied (Power supply status of host (SB0042) is off.)
2: The ERR. LED of the following modules flashes if the module whose serial number (first five digits) is "02112" or later is used.
• QJ71LP21
• QJ71LP21-25
• QJ71BR11
(b) Station number setting switches
These switches set the station number of the network module in the
network. (Factory default: 1)
Setting Description
0 Remote master station setting
1 to 64 Setting of a remote sub-master station
65 to 99 Setting error (The ERR. LED turns on (red).)