
If you should wish to remotely control lamps and lighting as well as Energy
Saving, you can also use the Energy Saver remote to control the separately
available One For All Light Accessories.
Lighting Control
- Voltage and Load: 230V~
- Degree of Protection: IP 20
- Radio Frequency: 433.92MHz
- RF Range: Typically 30m in open area.
- Max power for HC-8000: 1000 Watt
Specification HC-8000
Itis possibleto changethe numberyou useto selectthe HC8000 PowerPlug. This isuseful
ifyou havepurchased asecond PowerPlug (availablefrom OneFor All), orif you already
havea PowerPlug operatingas number1.
Toassign anumber tothe plug,follow thesesteps:
Plugyour device(orextension lead)theHC-8000 intothe wallIfyou are
settingup adevicewith anin-lineswitch (suchas alamp),make surethe
switchis settoOn
Pressthe EnergySaverkey onyourONE FORALLURC-8350so thatitis
inEnergy SavingMode.
Pressthe numberyouwish toassignto thePower PlugSwitch
(HC-8000).If thisisyour firstPlug,number 1isrecommended,number 2
forthe secondetc.The IRIndicator(LED) atthetopof theURC-8350
shouldblink twice.
Pressand holdthebutton onthePower Plug(HC-8000) untilthered
lightbegins toblink.
Pressthe ChannelUp(+) key.Thered lighton theLightPower Plug
(HC-8000)should stopflashing.
Theremote shouldnow operatethe PowerPlug (HC-8000).
Totest it,check ifthe ChannelUp (+)and (-)keys work toswitch your lightON
andOFF respectively,.
Ifyou requiremore than10 plugsto control,you canalsouse theRed, Green,Yellow
andBlue keyson yourremote tocontrol 11-14.Simply assignthese keystothe Power
PlugsHC-8000) asyou woulddo anumber.
Ifyou experienceinterference, itis possibleto changethe codeofthe EnergySaver
Modeon yourremote toavoid this.The defaultcode is41000, but itis possible to
changethe codeto 41001,41002 etcup to41015. Tochange thecode,set theLight
Modeup asyou woulddo anormal device(see page5), using codes41000 -41015.
Ifyou shouldwish toreset yourPower PlugHC-8000 tofactorydefaults soyou can
assignit anew number,hold downthe buttonon theLight Control Switchuntil the
redlight startsto blink,release thebutton andthen holdit down againuntil the red
lightgoes out.
How to change the number of your HC-8000
URC_8350_V_1_19feb08.qxd:Ofa5_Digital_URC7555_EURO_10_Talen 20-02-2008 16:07 Pagina 13