Item Function and Operation
POSITION ( position of second picture ) Selects the position of second picture which will be
changed by the order shown on the left.
Use to adjust the position.
SIZE ( size of the second picture ) Selects the size of small pictures as 1/2, 1/4, 1/9 or 1/16
according to your preference.
Press to adjust the size.
Item Function and Operation
ENGLISH Selecting this item means menus and messages will be displayed in English.
Press [ ENTER ] to make selection.
CHINESE Selecting this item means menus and messages will be displayed in Chinese.
Press [ ENTER ] to make selection.
Item Function and Operation
LINEOUT Output sources include TV, AV1-S (S-video), AV1-C, 5AV2-YCrCb, AV2-C,
AV3-S (S-video) and AV3-C.
Press to select video source.
SLEEP Setting sleep time of 1,15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 0 minutes.
Press to make selection.