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≥ The REF synchronization specifications applying when the 1080/23p, 24p or 25p True-P (Non-PsF) system
format is selected are the same specifications as for the PsF system format. Use an interlace format signal
for the HD tri-level SYNC signal.
≥ The True-P (Non-PsF) input/output interface does not support EMBEDDED AUDIO/TC/VANC.
≥ The enhance and filter response picture quality adjustments do not work for True-P (Non-PsF) outputs.
≥ Other signals cannot be superimposed onto HD monitor outputs using True-P signals.
≥ When PsF signals have been recorded using a PsF system format and they are subsequently played back
using a True-P system format, the PsF signals are converted into True-P signals. Conversely, when True-P
signals have been recorded using a True-P system format and they are subsequently played back using a
PsF system format, the True-P signals are converted into PsF signals.
≥ Bear in mind that when recording 1080/50i signals using the 1080/25PsF system format, the signals will be
recorded but the images will be blurred.