16 - API Command Descriptions API Users Guide
Public Declare Function AX_SetRov Lib "MotionCore.DLL" _
(ByVal RovVal as Double) As Integer
Public Declare Function AX_SetSov Lib "MotionCore.DLL" _
(ByVal SovVal as Double) As Integer
(Graphics Functions)
Description Initialize Graphics Engine and give it the handle of the Control to plot to, this is typically a PictureBox
control in VB. The DLL will extract the coordinates of the window in pixels, and use these coordinates
form then on. It is important to not move the window once it has been initialized as incorrect display of
graphics could occur.
Returns (Integer) 1 on Success, 0 on Failure
Arguments Long … Handle (. hwnd) of the Graphics control
VB Example: Ret = AX_InitializeGPH
Declaration: Declare Function AX_InitializeGPH Lib _
"MotionCore.DLL" (ByVal ProcHwnd As Long) As Integer
Description Informs the Graphics Engine which View Port to Use.
ViewPort Layout:
0=Top 4=NE
1=Front 5=NW
2=Side 6=SE
3=NW 7=SW
ZoomAll -> Tells Engine to refresh ViewPort to outer boundaries. Depending on if Parameter
“UseMachWindow=1” if not it uses the Saved ViewPort coordinates.
Returns (Integer) 1 on Success, 0 on Failure
Arguments viewpoint as Integer, ZoomAll As integer
VB Example: Ret = AX_ SetGphView (0) ‘set to top view
Declaration: Public Declare Function AX_SetGphView Lib _
"MotionCore.DLL" (ByVal viewpoint As Integer, ByVal ZoomAll as Integer) As Integer