Horizontal flicker appears
• Adjusttheimageusingthe“Auto”function
• EliminatetheverticalbarsusingthePhase/
Image appears blurred, indistinct or too dark
• Adjustthecontrastandbrightnesson
On-Screen Display.
An "after-image", "burn-in" or "ghost image"
remains after the power has been turned off.
• Uninterrupteddisplayofstillorstaticimages
over an extended period may cause " burn
in", also known as "after-imaging " or "ghost
imaging", on your screen. "Burn-in", "after-
imaging", or "ghost imaging" is a well-known
phenomenon in LCD panel technology. In
most cases, the "burned in" or "after-imaging"
or "ghost imaging" will disappear gradually
over a period of time after the power has
been switched off.
• Alwaysactivateamovingscreensaver
program when you leave your monitor
• Alwaysactivateaperiodicscreenrefresh
application if your LCD monitor will display
unchanging static content.
• Severe”burn-in”or“after-image”or“ghost
image” symptoms will not disappear and
cannot be repaired. The damage mentioned
above is not covered under your warranty.
Image appears distorted. Text is fuzzy or blurred.
• SetthePC’sdisplayresolutiontothesame
mode as monitor’s recommended screen
native resolution.
Green, red, blue, dark, and white dots appears on
the screen
• Theremainingdotsarenormalcharacteristic
of the liquid crystal used in today’s
technology, Please refer the pixel policy for
more detail.
The "power on" light is too strong and is
• Youcanadjust“poweron”lightusingthe
power LED Setup in OSD main Controls.
Audio problem
No sound
• CheckifaudiocableisconnectedtoPCand
monitor correctly.
• Ensureaudioisnotmuted.PressOSD
it on “Off” position.
• Press“Volume”inOSDmaincontrolto
adjust the volume.
Information Centers list and contact Philips
customer service representative.