Tele Monitor Menu feature
ontrols are to aid you in
setting up the TV for the best in
display image qualiO'. Generally,
the Monitor feature controls cover
the basics in color attd video
image screen adjustments. A
varie O' of Monitor Audio Input
controls are also availablej_r
various TV speaker sound
adjustments. (See the Audio
Adjustments note to the Hght for
further details on A UX(iliatT) and
NTSC/Antenna mode sound
_._ Press the A/V button (or the
Select Source button on the front
of the TV) to place the TV in the
desired High Definition (HD)
display mode (AUX 4 _ Y PB
,_ Press the MENU ring (_!
buttons to choose any of the
individual controls you wish to
adjust for the selected HD mode.
Then press the center Menu button
to select the highlighted control.
Press the Menu ring @ and
center Menu buttons to adjust the
se ected control.
<_ Press the STATUS button
the remote to clear the screen after
you have finished with all of your
feature control adjustments.
Certain barscale Monitor
Feature Menu adjustments
(such as Brightness, Picture, etc.)
will display separate control panel
screens for individual settings.
Repress the Menu button (on the
remote or local keyboard) to return
the TV to the Monitor Menu when
control adjustments are complete.
@®@® ...................
• Note: The list of Monilor Menu features (and their individual
control settings) will change or readjust according to the
.... capabilities of he selecled Display Mode AUX 4, AUX S e e .
J i!ili:i!ii B_IGHTNESS
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Use the Brightness and other
Monitor picture features (such as
Picture, Sharpness. etc.) to adjust
overall TV screen intensity for
optimum light/dark screen areas
and shading details.
Turn the Volume Bar Sound
Menu control ON to display the
volume level settings for external
audio sourced material on the
TV screen.
Select the Bass/Treble/Balance
Sound Menu controls to adjust
low/high frequenc) sound and
speaker balance forexternal input
audio source material played
through the TV's audio system.
• Use the Display Mode and
Format Feature Menu eontrots
to set the TV for the type of
external monitor display mode
source (VGA, AUTO, SVGA,
EXT HD); and the TV's display
screen format used (PC,
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