Philips WVH111 TV Receiver User Manual

The AOLTV Program Guide offers complete TV listings
and much more. It helps you make sense of the large
number of channels and options on your TV. It can
record a program with your VCR and remind you when a
program is about to start.
The guide lists programs according to their time slot and
channel. It also includes channel categories and a TV win-
dow, which allows you to preview the program you
choose or watch a program while browsing the listings.
Find Channels Quickly
AOLTV has renumbered your channels to provide consis-
tency across the country and to help you find the chan-
nels you want. Now channels that show the same type of
programs are grouped together, so you can surf from
news show to news show or family show to family show.
Channel Categories
Find programs by subject matter. If you’re interested in
news programs, click News. If you’re interested in finan-
cial topics, click Money. A miniguide listing all the channels
in the category appears.
Scheduler lists programs you want to record with your
VCR and programs about which you’ve chosen to be
reminded. You can add new programs or change times or
channels you are recording.
Click between the guides and the grid for more informa-
tion related to the channel category you chose, for exam-
ple AOLTV News in the illustration at right.
Scan forward to the time period that interests you.
Listings appear for up to the next three days.
Channel Call Letters
Click the call letters of a channel, and the program cur-
rently showing on that channel appears full-screen.
Program Listings
Click a program listing, and the program currently show-
ing on that channel appears in the TV window. In addi-
tion, you see the description of the program you picked,
along with options for recording or reminders. If you
want to watch TV, click Tune; if you want to go back to
the guide, click Done.
You’re never more than a click away from full-screen TV. The
AOLTV service keeps your TV program on the screen in
most cases, and it lets you get back to your program fast, no
matter what you’re doing online.
Located in the upper right corner of your screen whenev-
er you are online, the TV icon lets you click back to full
screen TV in an instant. Pressing the CLEAR button on
the remote control or wireless keyboard also returns you
to full-screen TV in an instant.
The TV window lets you see what’s on TV even if you’re
checking the Guide, composing mail, or chatting with friends.