adjusting settings
Access the Settings menu
Application settings
Menu Function
SMTP port: Enter the port number of the
SMTP server
Use SSL: Set to use the SSL (Secure Sockets
Layer) protocol for outgoing emails
Incoming email server type: Select a type of
the incoming email server (POP3 or IMAP4)
POP3 server/IMAP4 server: Enter the
address or name of the POP3/IMAP4 server
POP3 port/IMAP4 port: Enter the port
number of the POP3/IMAP4 server
APOP login: Set to use the APOP login
Use SSL: Set to use the SSL (Secure Sockets
Layer) protocol for incoming emails
Download limit(count): set the number of
headers you will download
IMAP4 incoming email options: Set to
download only new emails or all emails
Receiving option: Set which parts of emails
that the phone will download
Keep on server: Set to save the copies of
emails in the server after downloading
My address: Enter the email address
User name: Enter the POP3/IMAP4 user
Password: Enter the POP3/IMAP4 password
Use POP before SMTP authentication: Set to
connect to the POP3/IMAP4 server before
connecting to the SMTP server to send
Use SMTP authentication: Activate SMTP
authentication, which requires a login before
sending emails
Same as POP3/IMAP4: Set the SMTP server
to have the same parameters as the POP3/
IMAP4 server
User name: If you select not to use the
same as the POP3/IMAP4 server, enter the
SMTP user name