Samsung SRD-440 DVR User Manual

58_ using the DVR
using the DVR
Mailing Service
You can send an e-mail to a DVR-registered user at a specific time interval, or if an event occurs.
If an event occurs with a channel where the camera’s video is set to <OFF> or the remaining recording count is set
to <OFF>, only the text notification will be sent to the applicable email address.
SMTP Setting
Sets the SMTP mail server.
Using the mouse may help make setup easier.
1. In the <Network> setting window, press the up/down
) button to move to <Mailing Service> and press the
[ENTER] button.
2. Select <SMTP>.
You will see the SMTP setting window.
3. Use direction buttons (
◄ ►
) to move to a desired item
and set the value.
ServerType : Displays the connected server type.
Server : Enter a server to connect to.
Port : Sets the communication port.
Use Authentication : Check this if the SMTP server uses user authentication.
The account input box will be activated.
User : Enter a user to use authentication when connecting to the SMTP server.
Password : Enter the password of the SMTP server user.
Secure Transfer : Select one from <Never> and <TLS(if Available)>.
Sender :
Use the virtual keyboard to provide the email address.
Refer to “Using Virtual Keyboard”. (Page 30)
TEST : Conducts the test on the server settings.
4. When the SMTP setting is done, press <OK>.
Event Setting
You can set the interval and type of the event that will be sent to the user.
Using the mouse may help make setup easier.
1. In the <Network> setting window, press the up/down
) button to move to <Mailing Service> and press the
[ENTER] button.
2. Select <Event>.
3. Use direction buttons (
◄ ►
) to move to a desired item
and set the value.
Event Interval : Set the event interval.
If a series of events occurs, the e-mail will be sent at the specified
interval, not on each event.
Use Event Transfer : Select an event type to send if an event occurs.
If the selected event occurs, the e-mail will be sent to the group that has the recipient authority.
4. When the event setting is done, press <OK>.
Mailing Service
OK Cancel
Use Authentication
Group Recipient
ServerType SMTP mail Server
Port 25
Secure Transfer Never
Sender ex.
Mailing Service
OK Cancel
Event Interval 10 min
Use Event Transfer
Sensor Motion
Change P/W HDD Info Video Loss
Power On/Off Manual Record