You can adjust the brightness of the picture
1 Press MENU to display the Menu Screen
2 Press "_/1_to select "PICTURE"
3 Press A/_" to select "BACKLIGHT".
PICTURE Adjustments
You can adjust the picture to your preference with the
following picture settings
1 Press MENU to display the Menu screen
2 Press "_._ to select "PICTURE"
3 Press ._k/V to select a specific adiustment item
4 Press _/_ to adjust the item to your desired position
5 Press MENU to exit
Directly setting the BACKUGHT
'1 Press BACKLIGHT to disptay the BACKLIGHT screen
2 Press BACKLIGHT Io change the setting
O,_C_LtG.rI_s_m'I _ _,_cKus,rp_snt,_u
8_C_LI6HT IVAnlAB_E] _ _AC_LIGtif [DAR_¢t
• The BACKLtGHT screen eutomaticatJy disappears in 3 seconds
• [BRIGHT): Maximum b_ighlnese
(NORMAL]: Su_tabte for viewing in a we_!.tilarea Saves energy
JDARK]: Sufficiently t_righlwhen v_ew_ngin dim areas
IVAR]ABLE]: The brightness can be adjusted tosuit your prefer-
ence using "_Y#"
4 Press _/[_ to adjust the item to your desired position
5 Press MENU to exit
Setected item ,_ button , _ _ button
BACKLIGHT The screen, dims The Screen brigh,!e,ns
CONTRAST For less contrast For more contrast
BRIGHTNESS F0_ tes_ brtghlness For more brightness
COLOR For less corerintensily FOr more corer intensity
TINT Skin tones become Skin tones become
_urplish greenish
SHARPNESS Fo_-less sharpness For mote sharpness
• When resetting elf adjustment i_ems (except for the ilems on the
AV MODE and ADVANCED menus) Io factory preset vatues,
perform the tollowing proced'Jres.
Press AI'_t Io select "RESET TM inthe PtC FURE screen, and
press ENTER
_,_ Press ,,_/_t"to select "YES". and press ENTER