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ViewSonic VTMS2431
Other Information
6. Remote Control Pass-through mode
When PC sets the LCD monitor to Remote Control Pass through mode, the LCD shall send
a three bytes packet (followed by “CR”) in response to RCU button activation. Note, that
in this mode the RCU shall have no effect on the monitor function. For example: “+Volume”
will not change the volume in the LCD but only sends “+Volume” code to PC over the
RS232 port.
RCU Pass-through Command description:
Length Total Byte of Message excluding “CR”
TV ID Identication for each of TV
Command Type Identify command type,
“p” (0x70h) : RCU Pass-through
Value[1~2] Two bytes ASCII that denes the value
CR 0x0D
RCU Pass-through Command Format:
Reply: (Command Type= “p”)
Name Length ID Command
Value1 Value2 CR
Byte Count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Bytes order 1 2~3 4 5 6 7
Example1: User press “Menu” Key form RCU to TV-03 and RCU data pass-through
to Server, then server will receive “1A”.
Reply (Hex Format)
Name Length ID Command
Value1 Value2 CR
0x36 0x30
0x70 0x31 0x41 0x0D
Example2: User press “5” Key form RCU to TV-07 and RCU data pass-through to
Server, then server will receive “05”.
Reply (Hex Format)
Name Length ID Command
Value1 Value2 CR
0x36 0x30
0x70 0x30 0x35 0x0D