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instructions should be observed for the installation, use, and maintenance of your DTV. Read
the following safety instructions before operating your DTV. Keep these instructions in a safe
place for future reference.
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connecting other components to your DTV.
cleaning your DTV. Do not use a liquid or a spray cleaner for cleaning your DTV. Do not
use abrasive cleaners.
condensation may form in the housing. Wait before turning on your DTV to avoid causing
(,:-.5E"(:.$"%("%"-%7*%8,-E"$5%85-E",C5&E"%@A<*65- "58.3"?,"&,8"*&(8%<< "9,:-"?#/".<,(5"8,"
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ensure reliable operation of your DTV and to protect it from overheating, be sure these
openings are not blocked or covered. Do not place your DTV in a bookcase or cabinet
unless proper ventilation is provided.
!"K5C5-"A:($"%&9",D=5.8"*&8,"8$5"(<,8("%&7",A5&*&)(",&"9,:-"?#/ ".%D*&583"?,"&,8"A<%.5"
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electric shock. Never spill liquids on your DTV.
If you are not sure of the type of power supplied to your home, consult your dealer or
local power company.
!"?,"&,8"%AA<9 "A-5((:-5",-"8$-,;",D=5.8("%8"9,:-"?#/3"#$*( "@%9".,@A-,@*(5"8$5"*&85)-*89"
of the display. The manufacturer’s warranty does not cover user abuse or improper
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disconnect power, unplug the power cord.
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electric shock.
!"#$5";%<<"(,.'58"($,:<7"D5"*&(8%<<57"&5%-"9,:-"?#/ "%&7"5%(*<9"%..5((*D<53
!"2&<9"A,;5-",+"8$5"@%-'57"C,<8%)5".%&"D5":(57 "+,-"9,:-"?#/3"G&9",8$5-"C,<8%)5"8$%&"8$5"
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power cord during electrical storms.
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time. This will protect your DTV from damage due to power surges.