
61200226L1-1 ATLAS 800
User Manual
Appendix A System Event Logging
This section describes the entries that may be logged by the system event log. Of
particular importance is the log event’s Category – this is the minimum severity
level that must be set in order that the event be logged.
Use caution when changing Categories from their default levels. If too many
sources have their Category values set too low, the number of messages being
logged in a given period can be very large. If too many messages are being
logged too rapidly, system performance can be adversely affected.
Most of the events shown in Tables A-1 through A-11 are of use primarily during
troubleshooting and should be turned off in normal operation.
Table Title Page #
A-1 Source: System 2
A-2 Source: Switchboard 3
A-3 Source: Nx 56/64 3
A-4 Source Time 4
A-5 Source: Ethernet 6
A-6 Source: ISDN 6
A-7 ISDN Cause Codes 9
A-8 Cause Code Log Entries 11
A-9 Source: ISDN L2 Messages 11
A-10 Source: ISDN Call Control Messages 11
A-11 Source: ISDN Information Elements 12