Chapter 2. Installation
12 Express XRT User Guide 61202.153L3-1
3. In the command line, type a:\setup (where a is the disk drive
where the ADTRAN Express Configuration Wizard disk was
4. Follow the screen prompts and insert disk(s) as requested.
Once installation is complete, an ADTRAN program group is cre-
ated and placed in the Program Manager. The Express Configu-
ration Wizard software can be started by double clicking on the
Express Configuration icon in the ADTRAN program group. The
ADTRAN Express Configuration Wizard software can also be
started by double clicking on the Express Configuration icon on
the Control Panel.
Get On With It!
Go to the section Using the Express Configuration Wizard on
page 15.
Macintosh Installation
To install the Express Configuration Wizard on a Macintosh, use
the following procedure:
1. Insert the floppy disk labeled Express Configuration Wizard
for Macintosh in the disk drive. The Express Configuration
floppy icon displays on the desktop.
2. Double-click the Express Configuration icon.
3. Double-click the Express Configuration Installer icon.
4. The Express Configuration Wizard introductory window dis-
plays. Click Continue.
5. The Express Configuration Installer dialog box displays. In
the Install Location section, select the location to which you
want to load the software. The default folder is Adtran ISDN.
6. Click Install.
7. After installation is complete, select Quit.