Appendix A. AT Commands and S-Registers
61202.153L3-1 Express XRT User Guide 59
Changing a String S-Register
Type ATSS followed by the number of the string S-register to be
changed, an equal sign, the numeric string to be assigned to the
register, then press Enter.
Dialing a Call using the AT Command Processor
To dial a call using the DTE terminal and AT commands, type
ATD, ATDT, or ATDP and the telephone number on one line and
press Enter.
To end an active call with the AT command processor, press the
break in key sequence +++ or the redefined key then type ATH
and press Enter to hang up the line.
Command Function
A Answer. Places the Express XRT in answer mode.
AT!DATE Current date in the format of DDMMYY.
AT!FLASHLOADInitiate the flash software update. The terminal must
be set for 57,600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop
AT!NAME1 Displays the Calling Party name from the last call on
PORTS port 1.
AT!NAME2 Displays the Calling Party name from the last call on
POTS port 2.
AT!NUMBER1 Displays the Calling Party number from the last call
on POTS port 1.
AT!NUMBER2 Displays the Calling Party number from the last call
on POTS port 2.
AT!S Displays Status Buffer.
AT!S1 Displays Link Status
AT!TIME Current time in the format of HHMMSS.
AT!V Configuration Menu
AT!Z Detect a modem connected to the Express XRT
D Dial. Precedes the telephone access number
H Hang up. Disconnects the current call.