Chapter 4. Application Configuration
46 Express XRT User Guide 61202.153L3-1
BBS Applications
To access a bulletin board service, a new profile will need to be
created and the protocol of the bulletin board service must be
known. HyperACCESS is a Microsoft Windows communications
package for use in accessing bulletin board services. To define a
custom HyperACCESS session, use the following procedure.
Defining a Custom HyperACCESS Session
The following procedure explains how to create a custom Hyper-
ACCESS session that can be launched using an icon in the Hyper-
ACCESS Phonebook menu.
1. Choose the HyperAccess button in the ADTRAN Express Con-
figuration Wizard window. The Phonebook window is dis-
2. Press the New button in the Phonebook window. The Descrip-
tion window displays.
3. Type in a name for the session in the System Name box.
4. Choose an icon for the session in the Icon box.
5. Choose the OK button.
6. Verify and enter the following settings:
•Phone Number to Dial
• Baud Rate
• COM Port
• Modem
7. Choose the OK button.
8. Choose the Establish a Connection button on the tool bar (the
first button on the left). Once connection is established, Con-
nected is displayed at the bottom of the Session window.
9. When the session is complete, disconnect the call by choosing
the Break a Connection button on the tool bar (second button
from the left). Disconnected is displayed at the bottom of the
Session window.
10.Save the file by selecting Save in the File menu.
11.Select Close in the File menu.
This custom session can now be used by double-clicking on the
new icon just created.