
Chapter 4. Application Configuration
61202.153L3-1 Express XRT User Guide 39
Factory: V.120 64k (Remote Access)
Factory: Async BONDING 128k (Remote Access)
Express Configuration Wizard
This section describes how to use the Express Configuration Wiz-
ard software to configure the Express XRT for three common ap-
plications: Internet access, remote access, and bulletin board
service (BBS) access.
The Express Configuration Wizard software and the application
software such as Chameleon™ for Internet™ access or ShivaRe-
mote for remote access should be installed on the computer.
The following procedures have been written for Windows 3.1 op-
erating systems. Other operating systems may vary.
Some features are not available in all versions of the Express Configura-
tion Wizard.
Starting the Express Configuration Wizard Software
After installing the Express Configuration Wizard Software, use
the following procedure to launch the software:
1. In the Windows Program Manager, open ADTRAN program
2. Double click on the icon labeled Express Configuration. The
ADTRAN Express Configuration Wizard window is dis-
Call Type Data 64kbps
Auto Answer Enabled
DTR Option Ignore DTR
Flow Control Hardware
Protocol Type CCITT V.120
Call Type Data 64kbps
Auto Answer Enabled
DTR Options Ignore DTR
Flow Control Hardware
Protocol Type Async BONDING