AM Transmitters
Measurement Procedure:
1. Connect the Transmitter Under Test as shown.
CAUTION: The RF present at the Test Set RF IN/OUT connector must not exceed 60W
continuous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/minute).
On the Test Set:
2. Press the PRESET key.
3. Press the TX key.
Using the knob and data entry keys:
4. Set AF Anl In to AM Demod.
5. Set AFGen1 Lvl to the correct output level for the desired frequency
deviation (refer to microphone sensitivity and deviation specifications for
the Transmitter being tested).
6. Set Filter 1 to 300 Hz HPF.
7. Set Filter 2 to 3 kHz LPF.
8. Set De-Emphasis to Off.
NOTE: If the Test Set is equipped with the CCITT filter option, set Filter 1 to <20 Hz
HPF and Filter 2 to CCITT.
Test Set Options Required
The typical error for the standard Test Set timebase is
2-3 Hz per 1 MHz (when measuring carrier frequency). If greater
accuracy is required, use a Test with Option 001 (High Stability
Special Test Considerations
"Cable and Adapter Loss" on page 46.