Using the Tracking Generator
Measurement Procedure:
1. Connect the signal input to the RF IN/OUT or DUPLEX OUT connector.
CAUTION: Do not exceed the connector’s rated input or permanent instrument damage
may result.
On the Test Set:
2. Press the PRESET key.
Using the knob and data entry keys:
3. Select SPEC ANL screen.
4. From the Controls field, select Main.
5. Select RF Gen from the Choices field.
6. Continue the measurement by selecting one of the following Controls field
choices and referring to the following:
• For a swept RF output at the offset and amplitude at the specified RF
output port, see "Measurements Using the Track Control Fields:"
on page 208.
• For a “Inverted” sweep mode which is useful when testing super-
hetrodyned receivers where sweeping the RF upward sweeps the IF
downward, see "Measurements Using the Fixed Control Fields:" on
page 209.
Test Set Options Required
Spectrum Analyzer/Tracking Generator (option 102)