FM Transmitters
Measurement Procedure:
1 Connect the Transmitter as shown.
CAUTION: The RF present at the Test Set RF IN/OUT connector must not exceed 60W
continuous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/minute) or permanent instrument damage
may result.
On the Test Set:
2 Press the PRESET key.
3 Press the TX key.
On the Radio:
4 Key the Transmitter and keep keyed until the remaining steps are complet-
On the Test Set using the knob and data entry keys:
5 Set AFGen1 Lvl so that displayed FM deviation is 50% of the Transmit-
ter’s specified maximum frequency deviation (typically 2.5 kHz).
6 Set AFGen1 Lvl units to dBm.
7 Increase (more positive) AFGen1 Lvl by 16 dB.
8 Select SPEC ANL.
9 Set Span to 1.1 MHz.
10 Set Ref Level to place the carrier peak at the top graticule line.
Test Set Options Required
Spectrum Analyzer/Tracking Generator (option 102)
Special Test Considerations
Cable and adapter mismatch must be considered when
measuring harmonics and spurious emissions of a trans-
mitter. If an external attenuator is used, special care must
be taken to ensure the attenuator is not causing any spuri-
ous or harmonic emission. Also, if spurious emissions are
located, verify that the transmitter is the source, and not
another object radiated emissions near the test site