FM Transmitters
Measurement Procedure:
1 Connect the Transmitter Under Test as shown.
CAUTION: The RF present at the Test Set RF IN/OUT connector must not exceed 60W
continuous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/minute).
On the Test Set:
2 Press the PRESET key.
3 Press the TX key.
Using the knob and data entry keys:
4 Set AFGen1 Lvl to the correct output level for the desired frequency devi-
ation (refer to microphone sensitivity and deviation specifications for the
Transmitter being tested).
5 Set Filter 1 to 300 Hz HPF.
6 Set Filter 2 to 3 kHz LPF.
7 Set De-Emphasis to Off.
NOTE: If the Test Set is equipped with the CCITT filter option, set Filter 1 to
<20 Hz HPF and Filter 2 to CCITT.
Test Set Options Required
The typical error for the standard Test Set timebase is
2-3 Hz per 1 MHz (when measuring carrier frequency). If greater
accuracy is required, use a Test with Option 001 (High Stability
Special Test Considerations
"Cable and Adapter Loss" on page 46.