Page 224 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
In the main LOAD page, select the media you wish to load from (i.e. CD-ROM, hard disk). You
will see something like this screen:
To select the partition to load from, place the cursor on the partition field and use the DATA
wheel to select the partition. Now move the cursor to the field and select the volume you
wish to load from.
NOTE: You may, if you wish, press F2 - - to see a list of the selected partition volumes
and select a volume to load from:
You may scroll through the list of available volumes on the current partition. If the volumes have
been named, you will see the names of the volumes (otherwise, the volume name will show
VOLUME ??? where ? is the default, unnamed volume number (it is good practice to name
volumes to keep better track of things when loading - see SAVE - RENAME for information on
naming volumes).
When you have selected the one you wish to load from, press F1 - - which will take you
to the main LOAD screen for the selected volume.
In the main LOAD page, move the cursor to the field and use the DATA
wheel to make your selection from the options listed above. Now, either press CLR or GO as
you wish. Pressing (CLEAR) will delete all programs and samples from memory, and then
load the chosen file(s) from disk (BE CAREFUL NOT TO ERASE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO
KEEP THAT HASN’T BEEN SAVED TO DISK!!). You will receive this prompt to check you
want to clear the memory:
You should make the appropriate NO or YES response. Pressing will load the chosen
file(s) into memory without deleting anything first. As the disk is being loaded you will receive
something like the following display to keep you aware of progress: