Page 256 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
To prepare for a recording, press in any of the DD pages. You will receive this screen
This is the disk record set-up page and here you may select and create takes to record as well
as set their record parameters. The fields are:
This shows the currently selected take. To select another, you can either scroll
through the takes on disk using the DATA control or you can enter a new
name in the usual way by pressing NAME, using the CURSOR keys to move
around the name field and the DATA wheel to select characters, finishing off
by pressing ENT.
This selects whether the recording will be in mono or in stereo.
This selects the input for the recording - whether it will be through the
analogue inputs on the front panel or via the digital audio interface. The
selection choices are ANALOG or DIGITAL. When DIGITAL is selected, you
may select ELEC (electrical - i.e. the jack sockets) or OPTI (the optical input) on
the digital I/O.
This selects the method by which recording will commence. The options are:
- This will cause recording to commence once a certain
threshold level has been exceeded. The threshold level is set in the TAKE
page (see below).
- This selects that a MIDI NOTE will initiate recording. The MIDI
note number is set in the NOTE field described below.
- This selects that recording will start when it receives a MIDI note
but with an offset as set in the DELAY field described below. The MIDI note
number is set in the NOTE field described below.
- This selects that a MIDI SONG START command will initiate
This allows you to set an offset for the MIDI note reception when
is selected in the field.
This allows you to route the take to one of the four effects channels FX1, FX2,
RV3 or RV4 if the optional EB16 effects board is installed.
This allows you to set the send level of the take to the effects channel
selected in the field.