CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 273
milliseconds will normally do the trick. Fades longer than that can be useful for fading in a take
or causing a smooth, gradual decay at the end of a take’s replay.
As soon as the CD3000XL receives the appropriate note on the appropriate channel (i.e. one
that is assigned to a take in a song), the following screen will be displayed:
You may either issue a MIDI ALL NOTES OFF command from your sequencer/keyboard or
specifically press F8 - STOP - on the CD3000XL.
NOTE: To play takes from MIDI in this way, the takes MUST be set to start from MIDI NOTE or
M.NOTE+DEL in the PLAY page.
When playing back in this way, triggering from MIDI, there is ALWAYS a fixed delay and the
delay is that set in the DREC or PLAY pages. Normally, it is probably best to offset the delay by
the same amount for each take. By doing this, you can shift one or all tracks on your sequencer
by a consistent amount. If you wish, however, each take may be set to have its own unique
offset delay which may help in syncing up some takes. Remember that you can use a
combination of your sequencer’s track shifting and the variable delay parameter to get takes
exactly in sync. For example, your sequencer’s track shifting functions may not offer enough
resolution to obtain precise triggering of the take(s). In this case, adjust the take’s delay time in
milliseconds to obtain precise sync.
HELPFUL HINT: If your sequencer does not have a wide enough range for shifting a track,
why not insert a blank bar or half bar at the beginning of the sequence and then delete that bar
only on the track(s) devoted to triggering takes. You can then use the CD3000XL’s MIDI delay
to offset the triggering time.
One thing to remember, of course, is that if you wish to trigger the same take several times (i.e.
in the case of a backing vocal you wish to spin in over every chorus), you do not have to specify
it in the list several times when triggering it from MIDI. You only need to select it once and, when
the CD3000XL receives the appropriate note, that take will play.
You will note that, when triggering takes from MIDI, the repeat field has no function - this is for
use when running takes sequentially in a song (see below).