
CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 279
Back up of takes to DAT is accessed via the PLAY page of the disk record functions. The soft
key F7 - - takes you to the BACKUP SAVE page. I.e:
Press F7 - - will display this screen:
This simple page displays the transmit rate for the back up to DAT. This can only be set to
44.1kHz and so this field is not accessible to the user but is shown merely for information.
When a take is backed up to DAT, all data related to it is also backed up, of course. This
includes start and end edit points, MIDI parameters, fade in/out, etc..
To back up takes to DAT, you can either do them individually or all of them. To back up a single
take, select the appropriate take in the take field at the top right of the screen. Press RECORD
on your DAT machine and then press F5 - ONE . This will back up only the selected take to
To back up all the takes on disk to DAT, irrespective of the take selected in the take field, press
RECORD on the DAT machine and then press F6- . The S3200XL will then
systematically back up all the takes contained on that disk. When either of the above is taking
place (i.e. a single take or all takes are being backed up), you will receive the following display:
This shows the current take being backed up. At any time, you may abort the procedure by
pressing F8 - .