GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Technician Handbook for Hospitality Installations
Issue 1
November 2000
About This Handbook
xiiReasons for Issue
Reasons for Issue
This document replaces the
GuestWorks Issue 6 Technician Handbook
(555-231-109) that is still valid on GuestWorks Issue 6 systems. This document is
issued for the following reasons:
■ To update all information related to Release 9 of the DEFINITY ECS
software. GuestWorks now uses the same software release numbering as
■ To update information about the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) messaging connectivity between the switch and the
INTUITY™ voice messaging system.
■ To add information about Custom Selection of VIP Direct Inward Dialing
(DID) Numbers.
The following conventions are used in this handbook:
■ In this handbook, the term “switch” refers to the telephone switching
equipment (GuestWorks, DEFINITY ECS, ProLogix, or DEFINITY BCS);
the term “INTUITY” refers to the voice messaging and call accounting
platform; and the term “PMS” refers to the Property Management System
provided by the customer.
■ All screens shown in this handbook are approximations of how the actual
screens appear. Depending on the system options, the screens may vary.
■ The terms “attendant console” and “backup telephone” are used in this
document. The attendant console is the model 302 that is usually found at
the front desk. The preferred backup telephone is the model 6424 or 8434
telephone with attendant-type feature buttons. The model 6408 or 8410
can be used as a secondary backup to the model 6424 or 8434.
■ For most hospitality installations, the MAP/5P is the voice messaging
platform of choice. For very large installations that require more voice ports
or message storage, the MAP/40P or MAP/100 may be used. Unless
otherwise noted, the term “MAP” refers to any of the different platforms.
Any differences between the platforms (other than capacities) will be noted
in this handbook.
■ This handbook documents two versions of the INTUITY system —
Release 4.4 (R4.4) and Release 5 (R5). Unless otherwise specified, all
connectivity and administration applies to either release.