GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Technician Handbook for Hospitality Installations
Issue 1
November 2000
Translations and Testing
199INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Translations
Once the software is installed, use this screen on the INTUITY to administer the
standard hard-wired link between the INTUITY Lodging and the PMS. Use the
Lodging Administration > PMS Parameter Administration command to
access this screen.
■ Device for Link — This must match the physical port connected to the
Equinox card. Use /dev/ttysac if the connection is on the Multi-Port Serial
Card, and use /dev/ttys00 if the connection is on the COM1 port.
■ Baud Rate — Set the speed to match the vendor equipment. If the vendor
does not have a recommended speed, use 4800 bps. You must enter the
letter B in front of the baud rate you select.
■ All other options must match the vendor requirements.
Use the Lodging Administration > System Parameter Administration
command to administer the system parameters for INTUITY Lodging.
■ Attendant Extensions — Enter 0 for the attendant console, the
backup telephone extensions, and any extensions that will be used to
retrieve messages for guests.
■ Primary Attendant — Enter the attendant console dial-up number
(usually 0) or extension.
■ Lamp ON For New Messages Only — Enter Yes if using TCP/IP or
X.25 signaling between the switch and the INTUITY system. Enter No if
using Mode Code integration between the switch and the INTUITY system.
■ Default Language — Select the default language option.
■ PMS Integration Parameters — Must match the vendor
+ PMS Parameter Administration +
| Device for Link: /dev/ttysac |
| Maximum Link Error: 50 |
| Link Acknowledgement Timeout: 20 sec |
| Link Idle Timeout: 20 sec |
| Maximum Retransmission: 5 |
|Maximum Retransmission Request: 5 |
| Baud Rate: B4800 |