GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Technician Handbook for Hospitality Installations
Issue 1
November 2000
249Appendix E — Xiox Call Accounting Format
Appendix E — Xiox Call Accounting
This appendix provides information about the Xiox call accounting posting
interface and format. If possible, share this information with the PMS vendor
before the installation.
Posting from the Xiox call accounting is done over an RS232 connection from
COM2 of the PC running the Xiox call accounting software to a serial port on the
PMS. The cable configuration is a standard serial cable with a null modem. When
the PC serial port connector is a standard 9-pin connector, Xiox sends on pin 3
and receives on pin 2. Xiox requires a connection on pin 5 (signal ground) and
holds pin 4 (DTR) and pin 7 (RTS) high while in the Call Processing mode. DTR
and RTS will drop when exiting Call Processing.
The following information is needed from the Property Management System
1. What are the speed, parity, data bits, and stop bit parameters expected by
the PMS?
2. What data format is expected by the PMS? The choices are:
■ 0 - Hobic record with a 4-digit sequence number
■ 1 - Micros PMS format
■ 2 - Hobic record with 3-digit sequence number followed by one letter
■ 3 - Hobic fixed length record with 4-digit sequence number.
3. What is the initiator (start of text) character expected by the PMS? (For
example, 02 for a black happy face indicating STX.)
4. What is the terminator (end of text) character expected by the PMS? (For
example, 03 for a black heart indicating ETX.)
5. Is the PMS capable of handshaking? If so, what character is expected by
the PMS for Acknowledge and Negative Acknowledge? (For example, 06
for ACK, and 21 for NAK.)
6. Is a Block Check Character (BCC) or check sum expected by the PMS?