
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Technician Handbook for Hospitality Installations
Issue 1
November 2000
246Appendix C — List PMS Down Events
from stn, code 3 Housekeeping from station; process code 3
from stn, code 4 Housekeeping from station; process code 4
from stn, PMS acc PMS accepts housekeeping status change from station
from stn, PMS rej PMS rejects housekeeping status change from station
gst info: complt Guest info completed
gst info: no chg Guest info no change
gst info: request Guest info request
gst info: vacant Guest info vacant
invalid PMS msg Switch received a message with either a bad feature code or
process code
MWL, another type PMS attempted clearing MWL
PBX chng stn rstr Switch changed the station’s restriction value
PBX cleared MWL Switch cleared a station’s MWL
PBX enabled MWL Switch enabled a station’s MWL
PBX room image Switch’s room data image for synchronization
PMS chng stn rstr PMS changes station’s restriction value
PMS cleared MWL PMS wants station’s MWL cleared
PMS enabled MWL PMS wants station’s MWL enabled
PMS room change Room change message from PMS
PMS room image PMS’s room data image for synchronization
PMS room swap Room swap message from PMS
req data link rel Request data link release
room ch/sw error Room change/swap data error
room checkin Room check-in
room checkout Switch is to check-out room
room data request Room data request
room data resp Room data response
start data swap Start of database exchange
status inquiry Status inquiry from PMS
status : OK Status response: OK
status : PBX init Status response: switch-initiated
status : UC Status response: uncommunicated changes
Table 14. PMS Down EventsContinued
Event Meaning