The AyreLink system transmits the
“Operate” command sequentially with a
brief delay between linked components,
avoiding power surges that could overload
the AC power circuits in your home.
Turning on a linked component will automatically turn on all
other linked components that are further down the signal chain.
For example, turning on a linked source component will also
turn on a linked preamplifier and all linked power amplifiers.
Turning on a linked source component will also automatically
select that input on the KX-R preamplifier. For additional
information, refer to the chapter “Optimization and
A short press on the standby button of a linked component will
turn that individual component off. A longer press (more than
two seconds) of either the front-panel button or the remote
handset will turn off all linked components.
A long button press of either the front-panel button or the
remote handset provides a simple way to turn the entire audio
system off from any linked component.
Display Brightness
The display brightness is adjusted via the
remote control handset.
Changing the brightness level on the display of any linked
component will cause a matching change in all linked
components, including the status LED of the MX-R amplifiers.
Multi-Channel Operation
As an example, three preamplifiers may be
linked together to create a six-channel
The Ayre KX-R may also be used in a multi-channel system. A
change to any of the units (e.g., volume level, input selection,
mute, et cetera) will be transmitted to the other linked
preamplifiers and they will act in concert.