AyreLink provides for true “one-touch”
operation of the entire music system.
As explained in the chapter “Controls and Operation”, turning
on a source component connected with AyreLink will
automatically turn on all of the linked “downstream”
components (i.e., preamplifier and power amplifiers). In
addition, the appropriate input on the KX-R will also be
automatically selected.
However, in certain extremely rare situations, it is possible that
the AyreLink communication system will require adjustments
to the configuration settings. To gain an understanding of these
circumstances, it is necessary to understand how the AyreLink
automatically selects the correct input on the KX-R.
When any AyreLink source component is turned on, it
broadcasts that information to the other linked components.
Part of the transmitted information is an alphabetical code that
identifies the source of the broadcast. For example, an AyreLink
equipped CD player will transmit the code “
C”, a DVD player
will transmit the code “
D”, a phono preamplifier will transmit
the code “
P”, and so forth.
When the inputs of the KX-R are activated by naming them,
many of the common names will have an AyreLink alphabetical
code automatically associated with it. For example, the input
name “
CD” is associated with the AyreLink code “C” by default.
In this way, when an AyreLink-equipped CD player is turned
on, the KX-R will automatically select the input labeled “CD”.
But if a system were to have more than one AyreLink-equipped
CD player (we’re not sure why that would be the case, but it is
certainly within the realm of possibility), the KX-R would be
unable to distinguish which CD player transmitted the
command, and would therefore be unable to automatically