select the correct input. Similarly, it is possible that the user
wishes to create a custom name for the CD player input, for
example, “
Music”. In this case there is no default AyreLink code
that would select this input.
To address these issues, the setup menu allows each named
input to be associated with an AyreLink identification code.
Once you have selected the “
AyreLink” menu item with the
left-hand knob, simply select the desired identification code
(“A” to “Z”, or “None”) with the right-hand knob.
Do not assign any single identification code to
more than one input. Improper operation may
The identification code transmitted by an AyreLink source
component will be found in the owner’s manual for that unit.
It is possible to reset all of the setup mode configuration items
to their factory defaults by using the reset function. After
entering the setup mode, turn the left-hand knob past “Set8
(input name)
” to “Reset”. Press the right-hand button to enter the
next menu level. The front panel will display “
Reset?”, and
turning the right-hand knob will select either “
Yes” or “No”.
Press the right-hand button again to confirm the selection. If
“No” is selected, the front panel will display “Cancelled” and
return to the previous menu level. If “
Yes” is selected, the front
panel will display “
Resetting” momentarily. All inputs will revert
to “
Unused”, all offsets and balance adjustments will be restored
to zero, all gain settings will be restored to “
Normal”, and all
AyreLink codes will default to “
None”. The unit will then
automatically enter the setup mode so that the desired inputs
may be activated.
AyreLink None
Reset? Yes