Make a note of which source components are connected to
which numbered input. The connected inputs will be named
after power is applied to the KX-R preamplifier, as described in
the chapter “Setup and Configuration”.
Main Outputs
Balanced output connectors are provided to achieve the highest
sound quality. Should it be necessary to connect a single-ended
power amplifier, high-quality adapters are available from your
Ayre dealer. Two output connectors per channel are provided,
and may be used simultaneously if desired.
Using an adapter to connect to a single-ended amplifier will
result in a 6 dB reduction of signal level. If the KX-R is driving
two sets of amplifiers, one balanced and one single-ended, be
sure to compensate for the difference in level.
Tape Outputs
The tape outputs are controlled via a
button on the remote handset. When the
tape outputs are active, the selected source
name will be shown in inverted colors
(black text on a blue background).
The Ayre KX-R provides two tape outputs per channel,
allowing connection of the selected source component to a
recording device, headphone amplifier, or secondary sound
system. These tape outputs utilize balanced XLR connectors.
Should it be necessary to connect a tape output to a