• Touch the Start navigation but-
ton to use the selected location as
place of destination for the naviga-
– This function is only available
with GPS reception.
– If you use this function during
a navigation, all previously de-
fi ned route locations (stages
and destination points) are de-
• Touch the Save button to save
the selected destination. You can
select the destination at any time
from the list of favourites.
• Touch the Search nearby button
to search for a point of interest in
the vicinity of the selected desti-
• Touch the Add button to add the
selected destination to the end
of a route (as the last stage). The
route point is subsequently identi-
fi ed on the map by a fl ag and also
entered in the route point list in
the Itinerary menu.
If you use this function during a
navigation, the route is immediate-
ly recalculated and the navigation
is subsequently continued.
• Touch the Interim destination
button to add the selected desti-
nation to a route (as the next stage
to be approached). The route is
immediately recalculated and the
navigation is subsequently contin-
• Touch the button to return to
the map view without executing a
Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 36Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 36 18.10.2006 15:05:26 Uhr18.10.2006 15:05:26 Uhr