
This information is only displayed
if you navigate to several loca-
Routing Options
In the Routing options menu, you can
defi ne the speed profi le of your ve-
hicle, select the type of routing and
exclude certain streets from usage.
The route options remain valid for
each destination guidance until the
next change of the route options. For
further details, please read the chap-
ter "Specifying Route Options".
Route Planning
In the Itinerary menu, you can defi ne
whether the calculation for the next
stage should automatically be per-
formed after reaching a stage.
If the automatic calculation is activat-
ed, the route to the next stage des-
tination is automatically calculated
upon reaching a stage.
If the automatic calculation is deac-
tivated, you can navigate to the next
stage destination by briefl y touching
any position on the map and select-
ing the Next option.
Signpost Information
In the Signpost information menu,
you can specify whether signpost
information, which you are to follow,
should be displayed during the navi-
gation or not.
Touch the Show traffi c signs but-
ton to activate or deactivate the
This information can only be dis-
played if it is part of the map ma-
Speed Limit
In the Speed limit menu you can de-
ne whether speed limits should be
displayed during the navigation and
whether you should be warned au-
dibly if you are exceeding the speed
Confi guring Lucca
Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 66Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 66 18.10.2006 15:05:31 Uhr18.10.2006 15:05:31 Uhr