Loading a route
Touch the More button.
Touch Load route.
Select the desired route.
Touch OK.
Calculating a Route
A planned route can also be calculat-
ed without GPS reception so that you
can gain an overview of the trip.
In this case, the fi rst defi ned route
point is set as the starting point of
the route.
For a navigation, the current posi-
tion is the starting point. The fi rst
stage is the travel to the fi rst de-
fi ned route point.
Touch the Calculate button to cal-
culate the complete distance as
well as the estimated travel time
of the route.
The route is being calculated. A
window displays the progress of
the calculation.
After the calculation is complete,
the Itinerary menu displays the
complete trip from the fi rst to the
last route point and the estimated
travel time for this trip instead of
the Calculate button.
In addition, the distance from the
previous route point and the esti-
mated travel time for this stage are
displayed for each route point.
Route Planning
Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 46Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 46 18.10.2006 15:05:28 Uhr18.10.2006 15:05:28 Uhr