Display signs
Touch the Show traffi c signs but-
ton to change between the follow-
ing modes:
– Show traffi c signs: Always,
– Show traffi c signs: On speed-
ing only or
– Show traffi c signs: Never
• Warning in a town
– The Warning in urban areas
button shows the level of the
speed-reading at which you are
audibly warned inside of build-
up areas.
Touch the Warning in urban areas
button to change the value or to
set it to Never.
• Warning outside of towns
– The Warning in rural areas
button shows the level of the
speed-reading at which you
are audibly warned outside of
build-up areas.
Touch the Warning in rural areas
button to change the value or to
set it to Never.
• Warning
Activate the Warning button to re-
ceive an audible warning.
This information can only be dis-
played if it is part of the map ma-
The information in the map material
may be incorrect due to short-term
changes (construction, etc.)!
The traffi c situation and the local
signpost information have priority
over the information of the naviga-
tion system.
Auto Mode
In the Auto mode menu, you can per-
form the following settings:
• Begin with
– Select whether the map should
be displayed in 3-D view or in
2-D view by default.
Confi guring Lucca
Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 67Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 67 18.10.2006 15:05:31 Uhr18.10.2006 15:05:31 Uhr